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Information security services for law firms

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For law firms, strong information security is more than a recommendation—it is an ethical obligation.

With each passing year, cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly urgent threat. Many organizations across all industries risk losing valuable data, and law firms are no exception.

In fact, law firms are particularly vulnerable because they often store highly sensitive and confidential data, which, if leaked, can have debilitating consequences.

This is why the Israeli Bar Association has chosen to embrace the global trend and raise its cybersecurity standards. Last month, the Bar Association’s ethics committee announced a new set of information security criteria that all law practitioners are now required to meet.

Attorneys that fail to meet the requirements set by the Bar may be subjected to serious penalties and disciplinary action.

Hermeticon’s cybersecurity experts are here to help your firm comply with the new guidelines and keep your clients’ data as secure as possible. To get you started, here is everything you need to know about the new policy and the increasing importance of safeguarding your organization’s data.


What’s changed in the ethics committee’s policy?

As of February 2022, all law firms have to use cybersecurity solutions. A firm that fails to meet the criteria set by the committee will be in violation of its duty of confidentiality and client-attorney privilege.

This decision was made with the understanding that we live in a time when personal data—both our clients and our own—is more vulnerable than ever, and information security solutions have become a fundamental necessity.

Here are some of the requirements law firms now have to meet:

  • Only use secure email servers (free email providers are no longer allowed)
  • Use cloud backup
  • Use 2-factor authentication
  • Use antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Use advanced security solutions for remote access and mobile devices


Why now?

In recent years, many organizations across all sectors and industries worldwide have been the targets of hard-hitting cyberattacks that caused hundreds of billions of dollars in damage—from sabotages that caused data loss and vital system crashes to ransomware attacks with customer data and trade secrets held hostage.

Due to the sensitive nature of their work, law firms hold some of the most sensitive data imaginable. Be it criminal proceedings, trade secrets and financial data (potentially worth millions of dollars), or confidential information about your clients’ families and personal finances—if you are running a law firm, the data in your possession must be kept safe and secure to the highest standard.


Law firms have become targets for hackers:

For years now, we have been witnessing a concerning trend: hackers are no longer limiting their attacks on large corporations. Recent studies show that the mid-tier market has become the major target for hackers in recent years. The risk is especially great for law firms, now more so than ever.

In fact, a study conducted last year has found that over half of all cyberattacks against law firms targeted small and medium-sized law firms rather than large ones. This is not surprising if we keep in mind the recent years’ trends in cybercrime.

The complacency that permeated this sector made it a prime target for hackers. Smaller law firms with lax security offered hackers a chance to profit without having to deal with the advanced security systems used by bigger organizations.


The solution: Take action

Your first step toward meeting the new requirements and protecting yourself against the threat of cybercrime that now hangs over businesses across every industry is to contact a qualified information security consultant. We will start by taking a look at how you manage your IT systems, focusing on the most critical elements.

Working with us, your organization will be using cybersecurity software that meets the ethics committee’s criteria and works with your firm’s IT systems.

Our cybersecurity expert will help you issue new security guidelines and communicate them to your firm’s workers. These will enable you to implement a stricter data security policy.

Next, we will install security solutions that will enable you to be proactive in securing your endpoints—from office workstations to mobile devices used on the go.

Lastly, to ensure you get the highest level of protection, we will implement an access control policy, including user authentication and strong password generation for your entire staff.


With us, you will be able to rest easy knowing your law firm has never been more secure

Hermeticon relies on many years of experience and expertise in cybersecurity. Over the years, we have provided cutting-edge solutions for companies of all sizes from various industries worldwide.

We can help you go beyond compliance with a comprehensive, proactive security strategy and the most advanced tools the cybersecurity market has to offer.

Contact us today to ensure the safety of your client’s data.

Why choose Hermeticon:

Support from the best experts in the field

Our best-in-class experts will provide comprehensive support to meet your regulatory, technical and legal needs.

A wide range of cybersecurity and information security solutions

We can identify and provide the right tech solutions for your business.

Support from our resilience testing division

Our resilience testing experts have a wealth of experience and are well-versed in the most advanced security systems on the market.

A bespoke service scaled to match your needs

Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience. By taking a bird's-eye view of your business, we can identify your existing security weaknesses and provide your company's management with valuable insights.
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