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Information security solutions

All Information security solutions standards

Information security awareness training

Creating information security systems, processes and infrastructure is only one step. Without the right training to educate the users, the system will be ineffective and your organization will remain exposed to information security threats.

Information security procedures

Information security management systems usually rely on 3 types of documents: Policies: documents outlining the management’s approach to information security and the guiding principles that inform decision-making. Work processes: overarching procedures that outline the system’s mechanisms. This includes onboarding procedures, security incident procedures, and more. Work guidelines: concrete and specific instructions for performing certain actions (e.g., server hardening guidelines).

Risk surveys

By information security experts
Information security risk surveys are one of the best ways to set new policies in your organization.

Information security services for law firms

Hermeticon's cybersecurity experts are here to help your firm comply with the new guidelines and keep your clients' data as secure as possible.

Secure code

The rising need for better development processes
Secure development requires a broad understanding of the field and relies on physical infrastructure and cloud environments. These processes will enable you to identify potential risks and prepare solutions. We prefer being proactive and managing risks continuously instead of relying on real-time threat response systems.

Supply chain management

Advanced cybersecurity solutions
We offer a comprehensive range of services to guarantee that your and your client's data remain safe and secure throughout your supply chain.